Saturday, May 16, 2009

Forget Passive Candidates... get Smart Candidates instead!

Passive Candidates are not looking for Jobs. They are happy in the existing company. It is not because of salary (which they will never be satisfied with). It is more because of the culture, the responsibility, the challenge & their ability to deliver in a particular company that make them not look out for Jobs.

Are we right going behind them? Will they actually gel into your company ecosystem?

Smart candidates out there are open to Jobs offers. But they are not into Job hunting. They are not distributing their resume across. They are not going to Job sites searching for Jobs and they may not submit their resume in common places.

But they have made their profile available through Social media. They have subscribed to Job feeds; they know that those who are keen to recruit them will prefer reaching out to them. These candidates are most smart & will surely be productive.

How can you reach out to these smart candidates who are tech savvy, socially active online & available?

The answer – through Web 2.0

Reach out to them through Web 2.0 Job marketing. Have your Jobs available for them in their Social Network, book marks, personal pages and other places they visit. Let them know about your Jobs at their place of comfort. If they feel they fit in to your requirement & the position will enhance their Career prospect, they will make available their Candidature.

1 comment:

Baneromics said...

Social Networking sites, Web 2.0, Search Engine Marketing and Optimization are such powerful tools to attack the creme-de-la-creme.